Who are the Masons?

Masons in Olympia, Tumwater and Lacey congregate at Harmony Lodge #18, the friendliest Lodge in Thurston County, WA. Our Lodge includes a broad cross-section of the community and we welcome men over the age of 18 who want to improve themselves by associating with like-minded peers. Our membership is distributed fairly evenly across age groups and by profession, although because of the proximity to Fort Lewis (JBLM), many of our members are active duty military or veterans.

The Masonic Fraternity is the oldest Fraternity in the world. The Masonic Family includes Masons as well as organizations for their ladies, couples, and youth.

The Masonic Family provides more than $2 million a day to charitable activities such as hospitals, youth scholarship, and those less fortunate than we.

To inquire about Masonry, contact our Secretary.

How to become a Mason? Click here.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Past Masters Night - 18 PM's attended!

Who knows if it was the excellent prime rib dinner prepared by Senior Deacon (he can't get the Steward out of his system, thank goodness!) Derek Lathrope or the program by WM Ivan Isaacson or something else entirely, but Harmony's Past Masters' Night was a great night of fellowship and friendship.

18 Past Masters were in attendance:

James Whisenant - 1973 & 1985 (our only PM in recent times to serve twice in the East)
Dale Corbin - 1976
Doug Twibell - 1977
Merlin Smith - 1978
Jim Russell - 1984
Rich Lathrope - 1988
Allen Plue - 1990
Skip Sanford - 1991
Don White - 1994
Dave Owen - 1995
Jerry Schroder - 1996
George Gaston - 1997
John Hanson - 1998
Bruce York - 1999
Don Berry - 2003
Ross Retzlaff - 2004
Rod Mason - 2005
Brian Morgan - 2007

Only eight living Harmony #18 Past Masters were not in attendance and several sent their regrets, in advance. We particularly send our best wishes to WB Wally Hoffman, Past Master from 1974.

Certainly one of the best parts of the evening was the opportunity to assist the Job's Daughters in a fund raiser. The Jobies of Bethel #51 offered to shine any willing Brother's shoes during the meeting. In exchange, the Brother was loaned a fabulous pair of bright floral pink crocs. The Jobies raised over $180 through this enterprising event!

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