Who are the Masons?

Masons in Olympia, Tumwater and Lacey congregate at Harmony Lodge #18, the friendliest Lodge in Thurston County, WA. Our Lodge includes a broad cross-section of the community and we welcome men over the age of 18 who want to improve themselves by associating with like-minded peers. Our membership is distributed fairly evenly across age groups and by profession, although because of the proximity to Fort Lewis (JBLM), many of our members are active duty military or veterans.

The Masonic Fraternity is the oldest Fraternity in the world. The Masonic Family includes Masons as well as organizations for their ladies, couples, and youth.

The Masonic Family provides more than $2 million a day to charitable activities such as hospitals, youth scholarship, and those less fortunate than we.

To inquire about Masonry, contact our Secretary.

How to become a Mason? Click here.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Upcoming Harmony October calendar items

From Secretary WB Rich Lathrope:

Tuesday October 6th – 7:30 p.m. – Harmony - Concordant Body Recognition Night

WM Ivan has been contacting all of the adult concordant bodies to invite them to our first Concordant Body Recognition Night. Expect to hear what the organizations do, and who is eligible.

The reports of the Investigating Committees on Messrs Brian LeBlanc and Chris Scarr being full and favorable we will also have some balloting that night.

Also on October 6th we will hold our first planning meeting for the Christmas Party which will be held at 3:00 p.m. on December 19th at the Tumwater Masonic Center. If you would like to assist in organizing this event please e-mail me (Secretary WB Rich Lathrope) and/or turn up at 6:00 p.m. on October 6th. I have organized this event for a couple of years and it has been great fun, however, I am ready to turn over the reins to anyone who thinks they can do better, Russ and Brenda Wilhite have volunteered to help me this year with a view to taking over next year, if anyone else is interested please speak up now and we will have a ballot. We have moved the event back to the last weekend before Christmas so that you can bring all your visiting relatives and grandkids. We have a couple of hundred dollars in the bank but we will still need donations at the door. Remember this is not a Harmony event, it is an event of all the bodies that meet in Tumwater and any other Masonic group that wants to join in. So if you are interested join us for the meeting it is usually very open and there is much creative input.

Tuesday October 20th – 7:30 p.m. – Harmony – EAM Degrees

We could have up to three very fine candidates (depending on balloting) for the first degree on this date.

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