Lewis County CHIPS Program
August 18th – 23rd Southwest WA Fair
Lewis County Fairgrounds
Submitted by Harmony Secretary WB Rich Lathrope:
The Lewis County CHIPS program under the direction of VWB Ian Ricker has a booth at the Southwest Washington Fair at the Lewis County Fairground in Chehalis. This is a six-day event and so it requires the participation of lots of people – women and children are particularly welcome. VWB Ian has set up a Google Document sign-up sheet and being the artist that he is the first thing that he did was to make it look pretty. So if you want to view that next generation of what a sign-up sheet can look like please click on the following link (you could, of course, also sign up for a shift):
Some folks have been having trouble connecting to these documents. It appears that although you do not need a Google account to view the documents you do need a Google account to edit the documents, and adding your name to the list is editing the document. A Google gmail account is free and is very useful. You can obtain a free account at https://www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount
Please note that VWB Ian is required to provide the information necessary for a Washington State Patrol background check. This info consists of your full name (include all names) and date of birth. Please do not post this information on the sign in sheet – that is a public document. You might also want to give Ian a call so he can help you get into the Fairgrounds. His number is (360) 304-8236. If you continue to have trouble signing into the Google Spreadsheet please give me a call at (360) 858-7127. Remember this is state-of-the-art technology which can provide organizations such as ours who need to schedule people for events immense help – so be open and patient.
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