Who are the Masons?

Masons in Olympia, Tumwater and Lacey congregate at Harmony Lodge #18, the friendliest Lodge in Thurston County, WA. Our Lodge includes a broad cross-section of the community and we welcome men over the age of 18 who want to improve themselves by associating with like-minded peers. Our membership is distributed fairly evenly across age groups and by profession, although because of the proximity to Fort Lewis (JBLM), many of our members are active duty military or veterans.

The Masonic Fraternity is the oldest Fraternity in the world. The Masonic Family includes Masons as well as organizations for their ladies, couples, and youth.

The Masonic Family provides more than $2 million a day to charitable activities such as hospitals, youth scholarship, and those less fortunate than we.

To inquire about Masonry, contact our Secretary.

How to become a Mason? Click here.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Harmony elections - Tuesday, 11/17

Please join us at Harmony #18 for our annual election of officers:

Tuesday, November 17th - 7:30 p.m.

Reminder to those officers who will be appointed by the incoming Worshipful Master: you must have proved your proficiency in the 3rd degree PRIOR to installation on January 9th. Recently raised Master Masons and their mentors should ensure this is taken care of for any Brother intending to become a Lodge officer.

December is planned as a month of degrees, including a step-up night and a possible special on Tuesday, December 29th. We may be holding both EA and MM degrees in December. If you are interested in serving on a degree team, please speak up!

Reminder from Secretary WB Rich Lathrope: Dues for 2010 are payable now for Harmony Master Masons.

Per the Washington Masonic Code, dues are to be pre-paid before January 1st. If you have questions about when and how to pay, please contact WB Rich directly. If you are a life member, please arrange to pick up your 2010 dues card from WB Rich, hopefully by visiting us at Lodge! If you don't live in the area, your card will be mailed to you. If you live in the area but cannot currently attend Lodge, please let WB Rich know so that other arrangements can be made.

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