Who are the Masons?

Masons in Olympia, Tumwater and Lacey congregate at Harmony Lodge #18, the friendliest Lodge in Thurston County, WA. Our Lodge includes a broad cross-section of the community and we welcome men over the age of 18 who want to improve themselves by associating with like-minded peers. Our membership is distributed fairly evenly across age groups and by profession, although because of the proximity to Fort Lewis (JBLM), many of our members are active duty military or veterans.

The Masonic Fraternity is the oldest Fraternity in the world. The Masonic Family includes Masons as well as organizations for their ladies, couples, and youth.

The Masonic Family provides more than $2 million a day to charitable activities such as hospitals, youth scholarship, and those less fortunate than we.

To inquire about Masonry, contact our Secretary.

How to become a Mason? Click here.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Upcoming Youth Night & Pizza

Submitted by Secretary WB Rich Lathrope:

This coming Tuesday, September 1st, is Harmony’s Youth Night where we honor our Youth Groups. We are greatly blessed to have excellent Youth organizations in Olympia – they are active and involved which is due to the incredible leadership provided by their adult leaders who spend a disproportionate part of their lives involved in Youth activities. So, come out and meet with the young ladies and gentlemen and instead of sitting in groups with your friends make sure you have a couple of youngsters at your table and talk with them.

The concept of the pizza night is that you choose your own toppings and we mark them as they go into the oven. To make this work, however, we need you to sign up for your choices – so log into http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ahqz4sunz6vNdHRqZUJrZWliRE0yVEJQU2Q3T1VOT0E&hl=en and sign up for what you want.

Frankly, not enough people are signing up so we will probably cook some standard pizzas which in order of importance will be – sausage, pepperoni, cheese only, Hawaiian – and we will try and vary whether there are red peppers/olives on them. But all will have cheese mushrooms tomato sauce and oregano – unless specifically requested otherwise. My pizzas tend more towards deep dish than they do to New York thin crust – must have been influenced by my time in Chicago, although the pizzas are far from Uno’s or Due’s depth – How I miss them.

If you cannot sign in to the site then please send me an e-mail. Pizza will start coming out of the oven at 6:00 p.m., but do not all rush to be there early since it takes time to cook them, so we expect to be serving through 7:00 p.m. depending on how many people turn up (we are planning on 40). Following the pizza we will adjourn to the Lodge Room where the Youth groups will entertain us. Then we have a short business meeting with a petition or two and some balloting.

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