Submitted by Secretary WB Rich Lathrope:
Thursday September 3rd, MWGM Gale Kenney is visiting Tenino Lodge to view their new checkerboard carpeting and refurbished Lodge. The Olympia Chapter of Job’s Daughters will also be performing for us. The meeting will be preceded by a pig roast dinner. Tenino has purchased an 80 pound pig from Stewart’s Meats and will be cooking it all night and all day. If you have never tasted roasted pig’s skin (in England we called this crackling) you have not experienced all that life has to offer.
The meeting is open to Ladies, Families and invited guests. Tenino has the deserved reputation of being the “Most Fun” Lodge around here so why not toddle down with your lady and have a rip roaring good time. Just make sure you tip the Tenino Tub generously – Tenino is a small Lodge.
Tenino Lodge is only 12 miles South of the Tumwater Masonic Center – straight down Capital Way and bear right onto Sussex Ave (the main street in Tenino) and then the Lodge is on your right about half a mile away. Accurate directions at http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=502+North+Street+SE,+Olympia,+WA+98501&daddr=Tenino,+WA+98589+%28Masonic+Lodge%29&geocode=%3BCeclikXhzpHuFbICywIdyYCt-CEG0bLYimv72A&hl=en&mra=pe&mrcr=0&sll=46.958706,-122.636355&sspn=1.130354,2.90863&ie=UTF8&z=11
If you are coming from Lacey it is quicker down Rich Road or Rainier Road and cut across to Old Hwy 99. Either way it does not take much time to get there – in fact, it is fewer miles from Lacey to Tenino than it is from Lacey to Tumwater for some people.
This is the meeting of the Season so don’t miss it – I will tell you “I told you so”.
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